Friday, September 30, 2011

Friends and Food

Two of my friends came to my neighborhood today to catch up and say goodbye. One of them, Marina, is moving to Aichi to study Japanese. I really applaud her for quitting her job and moving to a brand new city in order to study Japanese more seriously. I wish her the best of luck and really hope that she is successful in this!!

Anyway, I was really too lazy to take pics of people, and to be honest pictures of us talking....aren't the most I snapped some pictures of my lunch instead. :)

My was actually really good.
Spaghetti and lasagna plate

After lunch Marina and myself headed back to my apartment to chat, and I feel bad for talking her ear off...hahahaha...but we talked about everything from our crappy former company to ghosts and shaman....does anyone know of a good shaman in Japan? hahahaha...but seriously, do you?

Anyway, the timing was good and I walked Marina back to the station and picked up Ten so we could walk home together. Me and Ten snacked on mochi ice cream on the way.

Our favorite ice cream!!

Finally, while we were heating up some spaghetti for dinner (yes more pasta today), and we snacked on these (and yes more snacks)

I'm not sure what these are called, but they are different flavors. I loved the apple ones!! These were a gift from the other friend we had lunch with, Kahori...a big thank you to her...she is always so thoughtful and buying little things like this for people.

Anyway, so now Ten and I are sitting on the couch and watching Glee...they did a song from Dirty Dancing....reminds us of when we went and watched the musical version...good times.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gearing up for Halloween

As soon as October 1 gets here, these babies are going up...

Bought these today at the 100 yen shop....happy that I could get these so cheaply...and the pumpkins even light up and flicker like a real jack-o-lantern!! 

Our plan this year for Halloween was to carve a pumpkin and maybe go to the Halloween parade in Omotesando....however, Ten will be going to Hong Kong at the end of the not sure now...also, debating whether or not to go to HK myself....

Anyway, hopefully we'll be able to get it all sorted out soon.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Complete Randomness

Haven't been up to a whole lot recently, but here are a few random things:

  • Ten came home last night and said that I looked a little chunky...I wasn't mad because I felt a little I hit the gym today for good measure...hahaha.
  • I finished reading Water for Elephants. It was good, but not in love with it. It did make me want to go to the circus though...hmm...have never been to the circus in Japan...surely they must exist.
  • Since last week, Ten works later than usual every night...not loving that.
  • Found Greek yogurt that is reasonably priced...finally!!...loving that.
  • Stumbled across 100 yen Halloween decorations at a nearby supermarket....can't wait to get the wreath.
  • Secretly went to the bakery the other day and bought some really yummy cheese bread....shhh....not the cheapest...or the healthiest ;) ... could this be the cause of aforementioned chunkiness.....possibly.
  • Finally, finished up grading some papers for a class...did I mention I kind of work as a teacher's assistant....for only a few hours a month....and I catch cheaters every semester....jeez.
Anyway, just a few small tidbits from the past week... :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Look what I made...

Today I headed over to the Tokyo Union Church for my obi covered picture frame making class....and here is my finished product...with the wheel of my bike and cell phone in the background....

We used the fabric of an obi (sash worn with kimono) and built the frame with a frame making kit. It took about an hour and a half to make it, but it was pretty fun. Also, it turned out a lot better than I thought it would.

I told the teacher that I liked pink and blue, and was totally disturbed when she pulled out all of these shocking pink and electrifying blue I dug around and found this one...The teacher said that she was surprised that I chose it since it is a more traditional pattern...Tradition beats ugly any day....hahaha... and when the light hits the is really pretty.

Anywho, I am looking forward to heading over to Asakusabashi to pick up more fabric and kits to make these as gifts...hint, hint to anyone who may want one....just leave me a message and I will see what I can do.... :)

The teacher also teaches doll making classes, and I absolutely fell in love with the ones that I saw in her so going to try to resist temptation and maybe take that course next time since I still have a wrapping course to start and tempting, so tempting though.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pressures of a Perfectionist

All or nothing....that would describe me to a tee....and it isn't a good thing because recently it has been on the nothing side. 

I am such a perfectionist that it is absolutely annoying. I can't stand it when things are done "wrong," and I can't seem to get up the energy to tackle any project unless I can give it 110%. This character flaw has been on my mind a lot recently, and I'm racking my brain to try to figure out how to accept the imperfect....please help if you have advice....

Anyway, so here are the list of things that I've left on the nothing side recently, and I'm hoping that I can change my state of mind to get something done:

Relationships: I'm a wife, granddaughter, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, and friend. I'm hoping to be able to step up in all of these areas somehow...even if it just means to be more open to talking or making time for people.

Studying: Haven't touched some of my courses recently because of my perfectionist thinking....goes something like this....ugh...can't find all of the resources I need because don't have access to proper library....essays won't be great....ugh..can't be bothered....Same goes for my Japanese...ugh will never be able to speak fluently...never have to use it (though I know this is a terrible excuse) can't be bothered.

Home: My apartment has no mind thinking....can't decorate it how I would imagine my dream result is very sparse.

Anyway, some of this springs from laziness I will admit, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that I can't have things done exactly the way I want....sigh...

So new goal: Start what I finish and be happy with the things that I achieve and ignore the small imperfections since those are what make all.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Randomly Cute

We were at the supermarket the other day....and noticed that the package of our yogurt has changed for the time being....It now looks like this:

That's right Disney themed....and it's not marketed just towards kids...oh no...for adults too...hahaha.

Sometimes (guiltily admit...all the time)...I love living in a Disney obsessed country!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mmm Mmm Good

We've been hit with a bit of a cool spell recently, and when temperatures get cooler it makes us want to eat some of our favorite dishes. In the U.S., this may be chicken noodle soup, chili, or stew...but in Japan it's a little bit different.

Today, Ten and I decided to make oden together..... : )....have been looking forward to eating this since last fall/winter.

So, what's in it? Cabbage rolls, fish cakes stuffed with yummy things like dumplings and sausages, giant white radishes, boiled eggs, and much more. It's all simmered in a soy sauce based soup for around 30 minutes.

It tastes a bit sweet and salty, and we love it!! As you can tell, we made a little bit too much for two people...hahaha...but I'm hoping Ten will be able to finish it off.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Q & A

Recently someone commented on my blog asking me if I have a favorite place that I've traveled to. The answer is definitely not. This may not be the most exciting answer, but it's true. Every place that we've been to has been so different from the next. 

We loved the energy of South Korea, the beaches in Indonesia, and the food and art of Berlin. We loved seeing the Great Wall in China, the fire dancing in Saipan, and the ruins of Greece. Also, we can't forget The Witchery in Edinburgh, Scotland and weekends spent at Hyde Park in London. The list could go on and on, but we have so many great memories of every place that we have vacationed to.

However, if you ask me what kind of destination I prefer....then that's easy. We love spending time at the beach!! Nothing to do but play water sports, eat good food, and usually go shopping...hahaha. 

So, that's my answer... :) ... maybe not the most exciting entry today, but I've been asked this so many times by other people...I thought it was about time to put it in writing...hahaha

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I must say that I've been stuck with a pretty thoughtful guy. I don't mean in grand gestures, but it's in the small things...

Example, last night Ten got stuck at work and had to stay in a hotel near the office. (It was a five star hotel, so its not like he had to suffer...hahaha). But because I've never been to this hotel, he didn't want me to feel left he took pictures of the view and of all of the rooms (I absolutely love staying in hotels....odd? I was excited to see them..hahaha). He also brought me back a few little gifts from the hotel....

But I guess it's a two-way street. I knew that he hadn't been able to eat anything decent since yesterday afternoon, so I made him a nice dinner and even baked him a cake (from scratch might I add). Now, he will deny that he likes anything sweet....but that is a complete lie...though he might have a heart attack if he knew how much butter and sugar went into it... :) ... we won't tell though.

Anyway, I really think it's the things that we do for each other on a daily basis that build a strong relationship.

(P.S. Can't wait to use the cherry blossom bath stuff...oooh)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What to do on rainy days??

Tokyo is literally taking a beating today with this most recent typhoon. I've lost count, but I think we are somewhere around 15 serious storms this year. Right now there are tree branches blowing around, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't stopped raining since early last night....wondering how much longer this can go on....hopefully it will be over by tomorrow!

Also, Ten said that the trains were delayed yesterday evening, and I'm guessing it will be even worse for him tonight....poor him....and come to think of it I'm wondering how the river is holding up...but definitely not going to venture out to check on it...

Anway, so I couldn't go grocery shopping or do laundry or open the windows to what did I do today....I was bad.....

I ate some snacks....hahaha...tea and sweets

Wallpapers of Beauty And The Beast
I watched Beauty and the this movie

There really is nothing better than curling up on the couch on a day like this.... :)...would have been extra nice if Ten had had the day off!!!

Update: Well, just got a phone call...and trains are stopped and not a taxi in sight...luckily a hotel room is being made available for I guess I will see him tomorrow since it looks like it is impossible to get home.... :(

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A little bit of flair....

Men's Restroom

Women's Restroom

There should be a law where every country must make their restroom signs using characters in national dress....they would be much more interesting....hahaha

Monday, September 19, 2011

War and Peace

I finally finished War and Peace, and this should be considered a lifetime achievement...hahaha....but it was 1455 pages...and a good portion of that was dedicated to troop movements and war strategy. The other half was dedicated, religion, and pretty much every other theme.

I recently read an article that said that people who read fiction books are better socially adjusted because they are exposed to a variety of social situations. I guess that this might be true especially if you tackle books like this that cover every topic.

I'm not a book critic, so I won't attempt to talk about its complexities and blah, blah, blah...but here are just a few of my favorite quotes:

  • When I finally say I love you to any man and really mean it, it will be like a defeated general who's lost all his troops, surrendering and handing his sword to the enemy. ~ Natasha Rostov
  • I have sinned, Lord, but I have several excellent excuses. ~ Pierre Bezukhov
  • The only important battle is the last. ~ General Kutuzov
Really beautiful writing....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day Out

At 6:30 this morning, Ten and I were both up and ready to start the day....this rarely (if ever at all) happens, so we decided to make the most of it and go on a day trip....Where did we go? We went to Kawagoe (aka "Little Edo"). For all of those who are reading from outside of Japan, this little town has the feel of traditional Japan since it wasn't as affected by various fires and disasters throughout Japanese history.

Anyway....lots of pics today, but I will try to keep it short and simple. : )

First, we bought our bus passes for the these little babies were very important. In the past, we have tried to navigate with a map in Japanese towns (which is next to impossible since there are no street names), and we walked everywhere....However, we both end up getting furious at each other and everything around I call these tickets....the marriage savers...

First, we went to Kita-in...above and below

One of the 538 unique statues

After visiting the temple, we used our marriage savers to go to the Kawagoe Castle grounds...took us only about 15 minutes to visit the main building

We then headed over to our favorite part....'s roughly translated as something like small street with lots of candy/snack shops....yumm!! To be honest though, they may want to rethink their marketing strategy...we were fed so many free samples....we were sugared out and couldn't imagine buying anything....hahaha

Candy that looks like a lunch cute idea how to describe this...grilled and it...and Ten as the hand model :)

The last places on our sightseeing list were the old storehouses and bell tower...quite impressive

Finally, as we were getting ready to head back to Tokyo....we spotted this....

Yes, it is a boiled what do you know...the restaurant is dedicated to egg based dishes...have to try it of course...hahaha

Yes, that is a whole lot of egg for a late lunch...hahaha..

Great day, but the best part (as the cliche goes) is coming home...:)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Small Talk

My absolute favorite part of today was going on a walk with Ten this evening. The weather was nice and cool, and it gave us a chance to talk and joke about small things....(for example: his really unhealthy obsession with my brother....he wanted to hold hands and say his name while we crossed the bridge....umm...strange doesn't even describe it). We then went to the vegetable market....before making the same strange bridge crossing to go home....

Anyway, I think it is so important for couples to spend time together away from all other housework, work, studying, TV, Internet, etc. Even when we travel, our days are so jam-packed with sightseeing, trying new restaurants, and activities that it's hard to make time to just chat.

I'm thinking every Saturday evening needs to have some time dedicated to these little walk-and-talks.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Long Weekend!!

Today is Friday (imagine angels singing and trumpets sounding)  and the beginning of two long weekends!! Yay! Why do we have two long weekends?...Well we have two national holidays within the same week, so more play and less work....What national holidays are we celebrating? On Monday we have Respect for the Aged Day and on Friday we have the Autumn Equinox.  

On top of this, Ten just finished up some very important (read stressful) things, so perfect time to unwind.

Now, I had every intention of using the past couple of days to plan an amazing weekend....but that just didn't happen. (boo me) Anyway, so now I'm thinking that we are going to maybe do a day trip somewhere. Here are some of the places that I'm thinking:
  • Chinatown in Yokohama....would love to eat some good Chinese and haven't been to Yokohama in like 4 years
  • Tochigi....would like to go to Ashikagawa Flower Park...but wisteria season has finished and don't know how Ten would feel looking at flowers all day... 
  • Nikko....we have yet to venture over to this area

However, Tropical Storm Sonca is supposed to hit this weekend so effectively all of these are out for our first weekend...I'm thinking might just end watching Season 3 of Breaking Bad (which we are loving right now). 

Whatever we do, at least it will be 3 uninterrupted days of fun!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Missing the Mediterranean

With the weather hitting 90F (32C) here in Tokyo, I can't help but missing the beaches of Greece and the vitamin packed olives, tomatoes, and other veggies of Italy and Spain...sigh.

Trying to relive some of our time spent travelling throughout this region of Europe this past summer, I made this really super easy appetizer from one of my favorite blogs cookin' up north. I changed it up a little bit, but used the same basic concept. For instance, we put some green olives in there since we are addicted to them.

So simple and good....and when I closed my eyes....I was taken back to

Beautiful villas in Spain
Quiet Canals in Venice

...and the incredible views in Santorini, Greece

Hoping we can go back again soon!! Hint hint to Ten if you read this... : )

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Best Beauty Advice....Ever

Time Tested Beauty Tips
by Sam Levenson

For attractive lips,
Speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes,
Seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure,
Share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair,
Let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise,
Walk with the knowledge you will never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived,
reclaimed and redeemed; 
Never throw out anybody.

Remember, if you need a helping hand,
you'll find one at the end of your arm.

As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands,
one for helping yourself,
the other for helping others.

These beauty tips are more long lasting and effective than what you will ever find in a fashion magazine. I for one and am going to try to follow these tips even more closely. They will brighten up my days...and apparently my looks...for years to come. ..Who can complain about that? : )

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Things that I thought that I would never miss.....

Top 10 Foods That I Miss in the U.S.

1. Taco Bell - Every time I step on U.S. soil, this is one of the first places that I head to...oh how I miss Nacho Bell Grandes....and pretty much anything else on the menu.

2. Funyuns - I don't crave these very often, but I miss being able to eat them whenever I want to.

3. Chicken Fried Steak - Greasy diners don't serve this dish any better.

4. Fried Catfish - and I miss the fish fries that go along with them.

5. Cherry Coke - Even though it kind of tastes like cough medicine, and I can't even drink the full can; sometimes I miss it.

6. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - We have nothing similar to this in Japan, and it is extremely hard to find I have to improvise by spreading peanut butter on kind of works.

7. SpaghettiOs with meatballs - eaten straight from the can

8. Doughnuts - especially when you get them at a gas station and wash it down with soda....hahaha....diabetes here I come.

9. Hot dogs - chili, cheese, and onion....perfect

10. Red Velvet Cake and German Chocolate Cake - okay I know these are technically two things, but I couldn't decide which I miss more...oooh and also Carrot Cake!!

Yes, I know a lot of junk food is on this list (well all junk food)....but I wouldn't want to eat all of this at once....It would just be nice to have it every once in a while.

So, two blogs in a row with no pictures....will try to do better....but this just popped into my head.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Misconceptions About Housewives

After I quit my job and started working as a homemaker, I've gotten so many strange questions and comments. Here are a few of my favorites....and my responses.

Q1:. Don't you get bored being at home all day?

Absolutely not. I have tons of stuff that I get to do. I now have more time to work on my Sports Nutrition Certification (that I am almost close to finishing....yay me). I am also taking an online course at the moment and recently joined a women's group. I would say that when I do have free time, I don't get bored.

Q2: Housewives just sit at home and watch TV all day.

Well yes and no....I think I have the TV on for a total of maybe 4 hours a day....Three when I'm home alone and about an hour with Ten at night. However, I usually only have the TV on when doing things like cooking and want background noise....any other is right now.

Q3: Don't you miss your job?

A: At first, yes. But now, definitely not. I find taking care of our apartment and taking care of myself and husband to be a much more important and rewarding job.

Q4: Your life must be great not having to work and doing whatever you like.

A: Hahahaha...I laugh at this comment...If you call cleaning drains and toilets, scrubbing walls, and doing endless loads of laundry doing whatever you like....then your reality may be different from mine.

Q5: Don't you wish you had your own money?

A: Nothing has changed in the money department. One I still have "my own money." Two: Ten and I always, always, always consult each other on purchases. Also, we are completely on the same page that any money that either one of us for both of our needs.


I've come to understand that the idea of a housewife has greatly changed from years ago. I think it's sad that women who choose to stay home and take care of the household are sometimes looked at negatively. However, I'm so happy that we did have the Women's Rights Movement so that everyone can choose what she wants to do. : )

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Festival...Take 2

After the gym today, we headed back to the festival, and I'm so glad that we did because we missed a few small details the night before. 
Like neighborhood decorations....
...the beginning of the procession

...and some not so small things.

We also got to eat some great festival food. I will admit that if you are reading from the U.S., then these dishes could take some getting used to. Some examples are:

Osakayaki: This is like a fritter filled with egg, ham, onion, ginger, and more...topped with mayo

Kakigori: like a snow cone

You can also chow down on things like takoyaki (octopus dumplings), yakitori (skewers of grilled meat), chocolate covered bananas, skewered grilled baby octopus, and much more!!

Note to self....take more food photos next time :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I love, love, love festivals in Japan. Today was our neighborhood's fall festival, and I just love the sense of community that festivals and celebrations bring out in people!!

Our local shrine is Otori Shrine. It was established in 806, and they have been having festivals there for the past 300 years. Isn't that amazing!! 

Here are a few of the highlights from the evening....

Carrying the small shrine through the neighborhood.
Lanterns around the entrance gate

Traditional Dancing

Yummy Food Stalls

Big Drums

Cute Games

....and...more games.

We had such a great time strolling around the festival tonight...tomorrow will sooo be taking advantage of all the good food!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gooey Caramel Apple Slices

Continuing with the fall theme (and needing to get rid of some apples) I made caramel apple slices today.

Really don't have the patience to take cute food photos, but admire those who do!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Taking the Day Off from Housewife Life....

Today I attended my first event as a member of the...are you ready for this because it's a long one....Tokyo Union Church Women's Society (or TUCWS). I decided to join this group because honestly there are few groups in Tokyo for foreign people that aren't shockingly expensive. For instance...always debating to join the Tokyo American Club...but at a $36,000 entrance fee and then monthly fee of $ just doesn't seem worth it.

There were two parts to the event. First was class registration where I signed up for two courses: (1)Making obi covered photo frames and (2) Traditional Japanese Wrapping. If you are reading this from outside of Japan, I will explain later what these are when I actually take the courses.
Pictures are always better than words anyway in these situations.

The second part was a ballet performance by the Austrian Ballet Company Tokyo. It was really hard to catch these spindly ballerinas as they twirled around the stage, but here are the best shots that I could get....with the help of a friend might I add

Love these sparkly outfits...though you can't tell from the pictures

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today I spent my time dealing with this....

The dreaded blue file box. Every possible document that we have ever touched lives in here. I found pay stubs from 2007, a guide to an insurance program that we don't even have anymore, and countless bank statements from years ago. It took me a couple of hours to go through everything, but I finally managed to get it all organized and even label all of the folders...yay me!

Labels made with old stationary, pen, and free.

Recently, Ten and I have been decluttering every chance we get. Last weekend we threw out so many computer and phone cables, you would have thought that we were running an underground call center....hahaha. However, our recent life motto has been "to simplify," and that is what we have been trying to do.

I must say that it is much less stressful when you don't have stuff shoved into every nook and cranny.

Our next project is going to be the book shelf. We have so many unread books and old magazines in there that it borders on ridiculous, so we have vowed to stop buying and start reading. It will make space and save some money once we sell them to a used book shop.

If anyone has any advice on ways to declutter, I would love to hear it!!