Monday, December 31, 2012

Mia at 8 Months

Dear Mia,

We have been having some major technical difficulties, so excuse the temporary change in layout....sorry.

You are now a whole 8 months old. It is hard to believe that you were a tiny newborn back in April. My how things have changed.

Little Mia, you are scooting all over the place now. If there is any type of electrical cord in sight, you will find a way to get to it...which makes it all the more sad when we have to take it away from you. You are also always pulling yourself into a sitting position. Gone are the days of just lazing around on your stomach. 

Your new favorite games might be *bang the spoons* or *throw this down and watch adults pick it up* right now...loads of fun...for you....haha.

We are also amazed at how fast your language is coming along. You used to mainly just grunt and growl...but you now love saying *ba ba ba* and *a-ba.* You say these phrases with such determination that we have to take you seriously of course.

There really aren't too many things that you don't like right fact...I can't really think of anything. You are still such a happy baby...but I can see the hint of mischief shining through in those eyes.

Little princess, you are most definitely the apple of your daddy's eye...and I think that we should give him some credit here. He loves to give you baths and watch you eat all kinds of new foods. You love it when he throws you up in the air...lots of giggles.

Another month has gone by and you still amaze us every day.


Your mommy and daddy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

We will be making it to 2013

It is 9:00 a.m. here and breakfast is done. I've managed to clean 85% of the apartment, read some books to Miss Mia, fed her some mikan (I am more uncertain of what these are actually called in English now that we are back in the U.S.), and even read some of Sutton by J.R. Moehringer while I put baby girl down for her nap. So, I figured with this bit of free time I have, I would get a blog post in.

There has been a lot going on these past few weeks. Mia is now 8 months old (will post pics soon), my mom came to NYC for a visit and we visited Santa at Macy's Santaland, and just general life things. I would so love to type up posts about everything, but really...I just don't have the time/motivation.

I will admit dear the back of my mind...I have been thinking....maybe I should just give up on this little blog. It has been more than a year since I started I did give it a good go...but really I would hate to give it up...instead I would like to recommit to being a more active blogger.

This is kind of one of the things that I would like to do in 2013...a resolution if you will. I was thinking about my total lack of resolutions of 2013....and well I thought how unacceptable...we all need goals! So, I have been brainstorming...and here is what I have so far:

  • Update blog and blog more
  • Catch up on Mia's baby book
  • Make 2012 Photo book
  • Plan a few weekend getaways
  • Find a new semi-permanent home
These are really just things off of the top of my head...but I promise I will be posting a full list before January 1.

Anyway, this was just a garble of randomness...but more importantly...the end of the world has passed once again...or a new era has supposedly I'm hoping to make every day count. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Look Who We Found....

We were strolling through Central Park when we saw this jolly old soul sitting on a park bench...There was definitely magic in the air.

Mia chatted with Santa and told him all of the things that she most wanted for Christmas.

She kept glancing over at us to make sure we could hear her list know...just in case the big guy falls through.

We also got to listen to a lot of the Christmas classics by the Dickens Christmas Carolers.

Nearby Frosty was coming to life thanks to the magic of Mr. Okamoto pictured here.

After drinking some hot cocoa and having some chocolate chip cookies, we headed out of the park with visions of more Christmas magic dancing in our heads.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mental Cleansing

Today is one of those days when I look at the bits and pieces of baby rice cakes on the floor and dishes in the sink...and I can wait. So, with all of the things that I should be doing I will instead use this time to share the random things that have been going on around here lately.

  • After a long time without caffeine...I am back to old habits. I now have a diet cherry Pepsi...EVERY day! I even throw in some coffee and tea into the mix as well. Even though I know this isn't healthy...I am definitely enjoying the needed boost.
  • I am looking forward to the month of December! There are so many great events going on in the city, and I hope to go to as many Christmas related things as possible!
  • Speaking of daily, less than healthy habits....can I add in a muffin or two a day. Yes, they are served in our building for breakfast! So, I've been making daily trips down...don't worry...still losing weight though :)
  • The other day I was thinking about New Year's Resolutions...and I realized I have absolutely nothing that I want to work on in this good? bad? sad? odd? I don't know...but maybe something will come up.
  • We have started deciding what activities Mia will be doing next year...and it already looks exhausting. Swimming, two Japanese lessons, and various play we will be starting this program that you do at home (you know language skills, music, etc). This may sound insane to some of you....but what do you cut? Please tell me if you know. Here is my logic....she is Japanese and needs as much exposure as possible. So, we can't cut those! Swimming is really for safety and so she won't be scared of the water...and have you ever met a Japanese kid that can't swim well? I didn't think so....and then the home program because we want to make sure we have focused quality time with her every day...and of course play groups for....well play....but any advice would be much appreciated.
  • We recently decided to forgo cable and instead get an antenna and anything else we need DVD wise can be checked out from the library (they have everything!)...this has been such a great, great idea. It saves money...quite a bit...and it prevents us from parking ourselves in front of the TV all day everyday flipping through channels.
  • I've decided that if I were a religious person, I would be Mormon...seriously those are some dedicated folks...and I think if you believe in something, then you should go all the way...hahaha...
  • On that note, we have decided not to take Mia to church. I would hate for her to have the idea that other religions are wrong...or that if you don't believe in a certain thing then you are somehow less than we will try to expose her to several belief systems to have a understanding of different faiths, people, and ideas.
  • Finally, my mother is coming to NYC in a few short weeks...should be a lot of fun :)
That is all for now folks.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend

Friends, we really did have a great first Thanksgiving here in NYC. I took quite a few pictures, but they really don't even cover the half of it. 

Everyone of course wonders if we went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...and we decided not too. 3 million people up at 6 a.m. to line up to watch the balloons just didn't seem like a good idea this year. So, we decided to do the next best thing. We headed down to the Museum of Natural History on Wed. afternoon to watch all of the balloons being inflated, and it was such a great idea.

Here are the Macy's staff blowing up Santa. I'll admit we didn't watch them do the entire thing because it takes forever!
Mia had just woken up so wasn't really sure what was going on...hahaha
Buzz Lightyear all ready for his big flight!

Mia yawning in front of the Macy's could tell she was very impressed.
After walking around and seeing all of the classics like the Pillsbury Dough Boy and Ronald McDonald, we headed back to the apartment, and I started cooking for the next day. In all honesty, I found Thanksgiving cooking actually quite easy. Lots of just throwing things together in a pan and then no stress at all really. Here are a few photos of our family dinner.

Mia on Thanksgiving Day...supervising all of the last bits of cooking to be done.

Getting ready to eat all of this yummy goodness.

Butchering...I mean carving...the turkey.

You may notice a few things in these pictures. 1) Our table runner was a collection of gym towels and 2) Our serving dishes were all disposable or made of plastic...hahaha...yeah we actually didn't figure in the whole serving of the meal thing...we kind of completely forgot about what we would need to eat it after it was cooked....haha. So, next year we have vowed to do better.

After our Thanksgiving lunch, we lounged around and watched Netflix and waited for meal two! Yes, we actually went to someone's house and ate Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of new (to me) people...which was pretty fun...but didn't want to bust out my camera with a group of strangers and put them on the blog....haha.

Anyway, we had a really relaxing four days...and we even made a Starbucks run and drank a peppermint mocha (well I did at least)..OMG...can't wait to go get another one! Completely random side note...I know...anywho... hope everyone also had a great holiday weekend.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mia at 7 Months

Dear Mia,

You are now 7 months old...and a few days...oops.

You are weighing in at 19 pounds and 4 oz which still puts you at 90% for weight...and you are getting up to 75%... a long ways away from not even on the chart yet!

This past month you have been quite the busy gal. You have started swim lessons with daddy...and you are even going under the water a pro. You haven't cried once...yet...and daddy said he can see gold medals in your pressure though.

You are also loving your music lessons. You love hitting the tambourines and shaking the little hand bells. The teacher said you especially seem to be interested in the violin. It was so funny watching you pull the big bow across the strings.

Finally, you finished up your Japanese class this past month. You love this class the most, so I'm sure you will miss it along with your little friends.

In this last month you have also been getting more and more mobile. You are pulling yourself all over the floor and finding all kinds of things that you shouldn't be playing with. Cords seem to be your all time favorite toy at the moment. Your favorite food right now is probably cottage cheese with fruit...and you aren't too sure about cucumbers.

It has been so great to be able to introduce you to so many new things since last month...and it has been even better watching you learn and enjoy everything around you.

Love you to the moon and back,

Your Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Baby Minestrone

Yes, it has once again been a good long while since I've been on this blog here of mine....and I have no good excuses....hehe.

Anyway, so when Mia turned 6 months old, it was time to start solid foods. The doctor recommended rice cereal, followed by Level 1 foods...blah blah blah. I was a little bit disturbed by the fact that I was indeed recommended to feed my little baby all processed foods. I mean have you ever tried baby food? It is completely disgusting and rarely tastes like the food that it is named after...and why are the bananas pink?? If you have to turn it pink to preserve it...then no thank you...Rant finished.

So, here is one of our favorite baby food recipes for a 6 month old. (I'm assuming that from the above blurb...everyone can assume that we are making Mia's we make our own. I am a I do understand that I have the "luxury of time?" on my side.)

So, here it goes. Cut up some cabbage, onion, carrots, and potatoes (a couple of tablespoons of each) and add about 200 ml of water. Boil this lovely veggie mixture for about 10 minutes.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the next step...but it's simple...remove vegetables from the liquid...reserve the cooking liquid since this is now a vegetable easy.

Next, you need to mash up the vegetables. I use a wooden mortar and fancy baby bullet required. I also had a steamed piece of broccoli left over so I mashed this up to on its own to add with the other veggies.

Spoon some of the vegetable broth over your mashed vegetables..and you have a tasty soup...even tastes good as an adult I must say...though I would prefer it to be a little chunkier...haha. By the way...the white stuff is a rice porridge.

I guess I should are feeding this to a of course this is NOT a soup served hot!

Does anyone else have any good baby food recipes??

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

We had such grand plans for Halloween. We were going to go to the Pumpkin Festival in Central Park, the pumpkin patch in Queens, and then the parade in Riverside Park...well we all know that none of that was possible... so we had to go to Plan B.

First, Mia actually didn't wear this on Halloween...but here she is in her first costume... picked by Ten. He said it would be cruel to dress her up in the pig costume I liked...agreed...and he didn't want to choose the lamb costume because he doesn't like the taste of lamb that is how this bunny was chosen...odd...I know.

On Halloween we lit our Jack-O-Lantern...

...we also read quite a few books. Here were some of our favorites...

Also once we realized that we would be stuck in the building on Halloween, we signed up to accept Trick or Treaters. We had a grand total of 16...not terrible but definitely not like  a small town where you get a bunch of kids I'm guessing...but that just meant more candy for me :)

Anyway, so that is how we spent our Halloween this year.... hopefully next year we will be able to do a little permitting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Our view of the Hudson River on Monday morning. This was the only picture that I could take before we got to about zero visibility.

I really hate to disappoint those looking for a dramatic tale...well actually maybe not...but for us Sandy was a huge wind and rain storm. Unfortunately I can't say the same for those in lower Manhattan and other areas of New York...but hopefully things will be up and running again soon.

Before Sandy got here...we did our absolute best to prepare (lessons learned from the March 11 earthquake). Ten was out getting some canned goods, stocking up on our normal groceries, getting water, buying matches, and doing all of the laundry... great guy yes I know!

The subway was closed, so he was forced to work from home while me and Mia did our usual activities. Things were pretty calm during the day...and after Ten was finished with work...we decided to try to make the atmosphere as light as possible.

We had a simple lunch of taco rice... yes... even though we aren't in Japan we still eat this. If you can't guess what it is taco seasoned chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, black beans, salsa, and shredded cheesed served on rice...yumm.

Later in the day...we decided it was pumpkin carving time! It was so much fun with our little helper....but pics of Jack later.

After carving, we of course roasted the seeds...and Ten loved them. I coated them in olive oil, seasoning salt, and cayenne pepper before popping them into the oven for 45 minutes....yummmm.

Anyway, we aren't sure when the city will be fully up and running yet...and once again I want to emphasize how lucky we really are...I mean so many people are without power and some are stranded in flooded areas... but until we are off of house arrest here...we are going to carry on as usual.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Half Birthday!!

Dear Mia,

Happy Half Birthday!!...and even got a gift...daddy couldn't help himself :)

You have been up to all kinds of new things this past month. You have even rolled over! You also love holding onto your feet and ears. These may be your favorite toys yet.

This past month you have given up sucking on your just decided one day that you were over it. You also don't like to be left alone...not even for a second...oh dear!

These days you love songs and books, so you are really enjoying your Japanese Mommy & Me class as well as Book Babies at the library. Everyone always comments on what a smiley, happy baby you are...and it is so true...except when it comes to nap time :-/ You have also started eating solid foods this month, and you are loving it all. We have tried okayu, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, onion, dashi, peaches, and apples...and you have eaten it all without a complaint. You are really such an easy baby.

Dearest Mia, your smile really does light up our days and fills our hearts.

We love you deeply,

Your Mom and Dad


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hi again....

Well after fighting with my phone for what feels like forever, I have come to accept that this will be a photo less blog until I get my Internet up and no 6 month Mia post right will probably see it sometime next month instead.

There has been so much going on I don't know where to start. Our apartment is slowly coming together. We just have to get our cracked headboard replaced, be moved up on the bicycle waiting list, get a TV, and hook up cable/Internet....sounds like a lot...but this list is much shorter than last month's.

To give you a quick rundown of what we have been up to...where to start...?

Okay, so we have finally decided that we will be living on the Upper West Side for the time being... and I have no major complaints. We are right by Riverside Park and a 10 minute walk to Central that is super nice.

One question that everyone asks is if I will work now that I am back in the U.S....and the answer is no...for as long as we can afford main job will be taking care of our family :) ...but I did get asked to be an assistant for a professor for the next month of so... so that will be the extent of my work for the moment...and it should only take a few hours  a week...not bad.

I have been reading like a maniac....I am in love with the New York Public Library because they seriously have every book you can imagine... so Facebook friends... sorry if you are bombarded with my updates from Good Reads...but I cannot help myself.

Mia has been doing all kinds of new things recently and folks she even rolled over...once...but hey she did it. On Mondays I take her to the library for Book Babies which is basically song and story time. On Thursday she goes to a music class which is just absolutely amazing...they let her bang and chew on all of the instruments...and I am very confident she will have an appreciation for music in just a few short years. Fridays we go to  a Japanese class...which she loves!...and finally we have swim lessons on we have already gotten comments that this sounds crazy for a six month old... but she really enjoys all of the activities... and you can never start some of these things too early really.

Finally we have definitely been discovering all things Japanese in Manhattan. We go to Sunrise Mart for our grocery needs...and you can pretty much by everything there....kind of. We have been to Kinokuniya near Time Square...and it also has everything!!!...but it is so different at the same time. Very clean and much quieter compared to the one in Shinjuku. We've also checked out Ippudo...but didn't eat there since it was not a ramen kind of day.

Anyway, that is a quick look at what we have been up to...I can't wait to get back to blogging regularly. Also, I am still reading blogs too but haven't had the chance to comment!! So, thanks everyone for continuing to stop by :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Still Here

I have NOT given up on blogging...but am currently blogging challenged right now due to a lot of different factors. So here is a rundown of life as we know it.

  • My laptop is on it's last waiting to hookup desktop so I will have full PC access...and we have no Internet at the using my newly hooked up cell phone for all things at the moment....not convenient.
  • We have ordered a ton of furniture from IKEA, and it won't be here until Oct we will continue to live like squatters until then... sucks really.
  • Mia has started on solid foods...and she is loving it!! We have so far given her bananas, peas, and okayu (rice porridge)...and she has loved all of it!! We've also decided to follow the Japanese way for introducing solids since it is well balanced. For example, this weekend she will be eating tofu and okayu...yumm.
  • This weekend we will be heading to Mitsuwa in NJ for all of our Japanese grocery needs...and we are excited!!
  • Hmm...I guess that is all for now. But hopefully I can start making regular posts again soon.

If there are tons of auto corrects....please forgive me.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mia: 5 Months Old!

 Dear Mia,

You are five months old now, and we have been loving every minute of it. You are such a happy baby, and we get this comment wherever we go with you. People just love to smile at you, and you give them a smile right back. You melt hearts on the subways and in the parks in NYC.

This past month (actually yesterday), you had your first cold...and what did you do? You smiled right through it and got better in no time at all. We also started your first Japanese class (for babies of course). I wasn't too sure if we would join for the full session, but after seeing you there...we had no choice. You were smiling, laughing, and "talking" the whole time. You LOVED it...especially the dancing and also the books with funny noises.

You also enjoy playing with lots of your toys now. You will grab at things and hold and shake your rattles. Books are also a new favorite of yours. We have been reading lots of Dr. Seuss as well as lots of board books. 

Every month, you bring us lots of new laughs and giggles. The best moments though are when we are all snuggled up in bed together or going for an evening walk. You make everything we do just that more relaxing and rewarding.


Your mom and dad

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My New Love....

I have found something that I absolutely not more than the Duggars, but definitely more than let's say...meatloaf...and I really love me some meatloaf.

I have fallen completely in love with...wait for it...the...DICTIONARY. Seriously...who knew there was so much information in it. I'm only half joking. We all know what the dictionary is...but have you ever took the time to look up words in it. I'm not talking about when you have to because you are filling out a form or because someone uses a big word that you don't understand and want to look it up in case they drop that word bomb again....but just to really understand the meaning of a word. Well this is something that I have been doing lately. Whenever I read a book and come across a word that is common and used very frequently because of its positive connotations...then I go ahead and look it up and write down what it means...crazy you may say...but to me it has been really entertaining...and a great learning experience.

So, here are some of my favorite words and definitions:

Discipline: Now I looked up this word because it is Ten's favorite word to use...I mean like ever...he is always talking about discipline and how everyone needs it...sounds scary....but let's look at what it that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character....hmm...yeah...maybe everyone could use some more discipline in their lives.

Family: two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place....I kind of like this definition of family...I in fact love the part about shared goals and values...because that is what makes a successful family!

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty....I think using this definition...we may no far more courageous people than we believe.

Diligent: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort. Hard work isn't just about doing the work...but it is also about doing it energetically...hmmm...maybe there aren't enough diligent people today.

Anyway, the next time you write a greeting card or send out an email like this...

Bill you are such a hard worker and we are happy to have you with us.

Wouldn't it sound better to say this...

Bill you are a steady, earnest, and even energetic worker. We are happy to have you....etc...

So, let's all bust our dictionaries and put words to good use.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Random Musings

  • I am completely envious of everyone with all of their fall goodies. I saw a blog with pumpkin hand lotion and see people post about pumpkin lattes...and I get sad...I have so much lotion, I can't really justify buying some just for fall...and the pumpkin lattes...I may have to sneak out and get one sometime soon...but for now I will try to be content with my lone pumpkin spice candle.
  • Labor Day weekend went by way too fast. We started off with a visit to Sony Wonder Technology Lab to watch the Disney movie Chimpanzee (very cute and loved it). The next two days were used to continue our attempt to get caught up on paper work, go grocery shopping, and that kind of thing. However, Ten, Seth and Sarah did go to the that was nice I bet.
  • I just searched the Bath & Body Works website and decided to mainly buy seasonal products going forward...but kind of sounds extreme when I type it.
  • I went to the drugstore yesterday to buy moisturizer. This was my first time to buy moisturizer at a drugstore in forever!! I had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or what was what. They mix so many things into one bottle, so I will probably be going back to department store brands in the near future.
  • Ms. Mia still has not rolled over...I think I may pass out when the little chunker finally learns how to flop her body over.
  • So, we were all excited to eat American food when we moved back...and we then saw how unhealthy it was...and have been adding Japanese food back in the mix...its really just so much better tasting and better health my we are happy with that choice.
  • On another note, I have lost almost another kilogram (2.2 pounds). I have no idea how it is happening, but I'm not complaining...that is for sure!
  • My mom and grandma are making their way to NYC at the beginning of October, so that should be a lot of fun!
  • Finally, I am struggling to make some sort of structured program for my two year old nephew to work with during the daytime and that can include Mia too...hint, know who you are and what I'm talking about.
P.S. Yes, generally I am a lazy blogger and wish I weren't...haha.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Early, early morning...

4 a.m. seems to be the witching hour around here. Mia has been waking up every night at the same time, and last night was no different. I looked over at 4:05 and there she was smiling at me and looking as if she were ready to jump out of bed and start the day. I picked her up and talked to her a bit about how it was far too she promptly got all sleepy eyed and fell fast asleep.

This left me wide awake though, so I picked up my trusty phone to do some blog reading...but then quickly got bored...and switched to Internet surfing. Ten has been getting baby eyes again. I can guarantee that within the next year and a half or so...he will be wanting another one. So, I decided to do a bit of Google searching about pProm...and then I realized that matter how I word it...I will be classified as a high risk pregnancy. 

I did a quick search of high risk doctors in NY, and I came across one clinic (can't remember the name now) that is so good it was featured in O (the magazine...though not really sure if that actually means it is good). I digress. It is one of the best places, so I was scrolling through the website and gleaned some information. 

I have almost decided not to have a baby until we leave the US after searching through the website. Why? Well in case of emergency...leave a message and someone will get back to you. Also, you have to go to a different place to get ultrasounds done...and they will try to do tests that fall within your insurance unnecessarily complicated and definitely not the level of care that we have experienced before.

Anyway, uninteresting story...but...highlights lack of convenience of some things here.

In other news, I am waiting to here back about a Japanese mothers' group. Comical since I'm not Japanese, but I actually got invited by a Japanese woman at Whole Foods....Also, must have Ten follow up with Shin Nihondo this weekend. It is a Japanese grocery store that delivers twice a month to Manhattan....much looking forward to getting food that I am now more familiar with cooking with...and is healthier.

Finally, I've lost 1kg this past week. Yay! I haven't even been able to get to the if I lose about 15 more...all will be right in the world.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

In All Directions

I was reading a book this morning about life management by Elizabeth George, and I came upon a sentence that said there are three kinds of people in this life. There are people that pull you up, people that pull you down, and those who pull you along. Kindle had this passage underlined as a favorite of other readers of this book, and I are some powerful words. How are people in my life pulling me? What categories do my people fall in?

As I thought about this more, I finally realized that these words were giving too much power to people in our lives. Yes, we are influenced by others...but ultimately it is up to us to be pulled down, up, or along.

For instance, I've had friends from every walk of life...and quite a few who could be called the type to pull you down. They were involved in things that were sure to limit their future, but I never got involved in those things at all. Instead, I created friendships with these people while choosing not to get involved in their kind of lifestyle.

Also, you can be given every chance in the world to improve yourself. You can be surrounded by those who want nothing more to pull you up, but if you don't do it yourself...then you don't stand a chance. You have to make the choice to change yourself for the positive!

So, am I pushing myself in the right direction. I would hope so, but it is definitely something I need to be more aware of...and when I meet those people who want to pull me up...I need to make sure that I'm not weighing myself down!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mondays With Mia

The weather has been really nice lately, so we have gotten lots of outdoors time.

We've been having picnics outside at where we have been calling home for the moment.

We've been taking Mia down the slide...and she doesn't seem to get what all the hype is about...yet.

We also took a trip to the Wild West Playground to put our feet in the water....

...and we have been getting some walks and there...

...and finally we've been spending time with your aunt and cousin...

...who also loves the water at the playgrounds.